Curriculum Vitae

Higher Education

Columbia University, New York City
Ph. D. Applied Linguistics / Sociolinguistics, 1987

Columbia University, New York City
M. Phil. Applied Linguistics / Sociolinguistics, 1983

University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica
B.A. Linguistics, Spanish, French, 1978


Spanish/Bilingual Education (1981-1987) New York City Public Schools


University of Miami,  Emerita Professor (June 2018)

University of Miami (August 1998- May 2018)

Department of Teaching and Learning, School of Education and Human Development
Associate Professor 

Director of Ph.D. Program, Department of Teaching and Learning (2012-2015)

Affiliated Faculty, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Inter-American University of Puerto  Rico (August 1987 to June 1998)

Department of Languages and Literatures
Associate Professor  

Fulbright U. S. Scholar (Professor of Linguistics, August 1993 to August 1994)

TEFL Program at Bilkent University, Ankara, TURKEY



“Tense-Aspect in Creole Identities”
(under revision)

Publications: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Chapter in Edited Volume

Clachar, A. “Codeswitching among African-American English, Spanish and Standard English in Computer-Mediated Discourse: Negotiation of Identities by Puerto Rican Students” In Rosa Guzzardo Tamargo, Mazak, Catherine, and M.Carmen Parafita Couto (Eds.) Spanish-English Codeswitching in the Caribbean and the US. Amsterdam: John Benjamins pp. 61-80, 2016

Clachar, A. “Processing Subject Relative Clauses in English: Evidence from Child Speakers of  English-Lexified Creoles”   Applied Linguistics Vol, 36, No.5, pp. 635-640, 2015

Clachar, A. “El efecto de la comunicación mediada por computadora en la adquisición de los registros del discurso académico en español Migrantes puertorriqueños de retorno en Puerto Rico” [The Effect of Computer-Mediated Communication on the Development of Spanish Academic Registers: Puerto Rican Return Migrants in Puerto Rico]       Spanish in Context Vol. 7, No. 2, p. 173-193, 2010.

Clachar, A. “Negociación de Identidades a través de la Estructura Lingüística  y la Opción Lingüística: Migrantes Puertorriqueños de Retorno en Compañías Americanas en Puerto Rico” [Negotiation of  Identities through Linguistic Structure and Linguistic  Choice: Puerto Rican Return Migrants in American Companies in Puerto Rico] Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana Vol.V, No. 10, pp. 147-162, 2007.

Clachar, A. Re-examining ESL Programs in Public Schools : A Focus on Creole-English Children’s Clause-Structuring Strategies in Written Academic Discourse” Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table pp.1-38, Fall 2006.

Clachar, A. “Creole-English Speakers’ Treatment of Tense-Aspect Morphology in English Interlanguage Written Discourse” Language Learning Vol.55, No. 2, pp. 275-334, 2005.

Publications: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Clachar, A. “Creole Discourse Effects on the Speech Conjunctive System in Expository Texts”  Journal of Pragmatics Vol. 36, No.10, pp. 1827-1850, 2004.

Clachar, A. “The Construction of Creole-Speaking Students’ Linguistic Profile and Contradictions in ESL Literacy Programs” TESOL Quarterly Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 153-166, 2004

Clachar, A. “Paratactic Conjunctions in Creole Speakers’ and ESL Learners’ Academic Writing”  World Englishes Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 271-289, 2003.

Clachar, A. “What Do Creole Speakers Reveal about the Acquisition of Aspect Marking in L2?” Studies in the Linguistic Sciences   Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 27-49, 2000.

Clachar, A. “Redressing Ethnic Conflict through Morphosyntactic Creativity in Code-Mixing” Language and Communication Vol.  20, No.4,   pp. 311 – 327, 2000. 

Clachar, A. “Opposition and  Accommodation:  An Examination of  Turkish Teachers’  Attitudes  Toward  Western Approaches to the Teaching of  Writing”   Research in the Teaching of  English  Vol. 35,  No. 1,  pp. 66 -100, 2000.

Clachar, A. “Métodos de enseñanza en el colegio universitario para fomentar el locus de control interno en el aprendizaje del español como segundo idioma”  [“Strategies  for  Fostering   Internal  Locus of Control in College Students Learning Spanish as a Second Language”Hispania Vol. 82, No. 1, pp.113-120, 1999.

Clachar, A. “It’s Not Just Cognition: The Effect of Emotion on Multiple-Level Discourse Processing in Second Language Writing” Language Sciences Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 31-60, 1999.

Publications: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Clachar, A. “Differential Effects of Linguistic Imperialism on Second Language Learning: Americanization in Puerto Rico versus Russification in Estonia” International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 102-119, 1998.

Clachar, A. “Resistance to the English Language in Puerto Rico: Toward A Theory of Language and Intergroup Distinctiveness” Linguistics and Education Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 69-97, 1997.

 Clachar, A. “Students’ Reflections on the Social, Political, and Ideological Role of English in Puerto Rico” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 461-478, 1997.

Clachar, A. “Ethnolinguistic Identity and Spanish Proficiency in a Paradoxical Situation: The Case of Puerto Rican Return Migrants” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 107-125, 1997.

Clachar, A. “Locus of Control and Its Support for Empowerment in ESL Pedagogy” TESOL Gram Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 6-11, 1994.    

Clachar, A. “Dimensions of Locus of Control: Exploring Their Influence on ESL Students’ Interlanguage Development” Issues in Applied Linguistics Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 7-41, 1992.

In Progress

“The Influence of Nominal Structures in Creoles on Children’s Parsing of Relative Clauses”

Other Works

“African-American English, Creoles and Other Vernacular Englishes in Education: A Bibliographic Resource” (2013) Eds. J. Rickford, J. Sweetland, A. Rickford, T. Grano. IL:National Council of Teachers of  English and Routledge.

Funded Research Grants

Chancellor Award, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico (1996-1997)
Financial support for research on “African-American Vernacular English and Spanish  Codeswitching  in the Discourse of Puerto Rican Return Migrants” Grant Award: $3,000.

Fulbright Fellowship (Turkey, August 1993 – August 1994)
“An Examination of Turkish Teachers’ Perceptions of Western Approaches to the Pedagogy of Writing” Grant Award: $24,000.

James W. McLamore Grant for Innovative Research, University of Miami (2000)
“Temporal Reference in Haitian Creole and Jamaican Creole: Attention to Discourse in Education” Grant Award: $10,000.

Institutional Grant

Grant from United States Department of Education to the University of Miami Investigator (2001- 2002)
“African-American Vernacular English and Reading Achievement” (run by Project SUCCEED Institute on Language and Literacy Development, CO-PIs Jeanne Schumm and Sam Yarger). Grant Award: $10,000,000.

Grant from United States Department of Education to the University of Miami Investigator (2003- 2004) 
“The Acquisition of Standard English Syntax by Child Speakers of African-American Vernacular English and Caribbean English Creoles” (run by Project SUCCEED Institute on Language and Literacy Development, Co-PIs Jeanne Schumm and Sam Yarger). Grant Award: $10,000,000.

Grant from United States Department of Education to the University of Miami Investigator (2005)
“A Study of Conjunctions in the Academic Discourse of Hispanic and African-American Students in two Miami-Dade Public Schools” (run by Project SUCCEED Institute on Language and Literacy Development, Co-PIs Jeanne Schumm and Sam Yarger). Grant Award: $10,000,000.

Editorial Responsibilities

Reviewer: Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development

Reviewer: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

Reviewer: Language Learning

Reviewer: TESOL Quarterly

Reviewer: Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics

Reviewer: Caribbean Studies

Editorial Responsibilities

Abstract Reviewing Committee: Linguistics Society of America Conference Strands in Sociolinguistics and Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (2013)

Abstract Reviewing Committee: Linguistics Society of America Conference Strands in Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics (2015)


UNIVERISTY OF MIAMI (August 1998- May 2018)
Courses Taught at the Graduate Level      

Language Policy and Planning
Applied Linguistics
Language Assessment
Graduate Seminar in TESOL
Theories of Second Language Acquisition
The Genesis of Creole Languages
Language and Reading Instruction: Text Complexity

Courses Taught at the Undergraduate Level
Issues and Strategies for ESOL
Language Development for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Children
Methods, Materials and Assessment for ESOL
Language and Reading Instruction


Courses Taught at the Graduate Level
Foundations of Bilingual Education
Bilingualism and Cognition
Materials and Techniques of Language Teaching
Methods of Empirical Research
Second Language Acquisition Research

INTER-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO Courses Taught at the Undergraduate Level
Basic and Intermediate ESL
Advanced Composition
Composition in the Content Areas: Spanish as a Heritage Language

Professional and Honorary Organizations

CHAIR, LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Committee on Public Policy  (2012-2013)

Responsibilities: – memorandum in response to the White House Executive Order on the Education of  Language Minorities;

-Liaison with the U.S. Department of  Education to ensure that it makes  policy  decisions related to elementary and secondary public schools based on  linguistic research;   

-Documentation and preservation of endangered languages and their fate;

-The role of language in health care and health disparities;


Miami-Dade TESOL Council   President (2002-2003)

Miami-Dade TESOL Council Vice President (2001-2002)

Miami-Dade TESOL Council  member of Executive Board (1999-2001)

Responsibilities: Advocacy Committee to improve instructional resources for children who speak African-American English, Caribbean Creole sand other underrepresented languages which receive little support from the commercial sector.

Honors and Awards

Selected by the U.S. Department of State for the English Language Specialist Assignment  in Uzbekistan and Russia (October, 2020)

Presidential Award in Recognition of 20 Years of Accomplishments and Contributions to the University of Miami (June, 2018)

Chair of the Committee on Public Policy, Linguistic Society of America (2012-2013)

James W. McLamore Grant for Innovative Research (1999), University of Miami (research funding $10,000)

Chancellor’s Award for Community Engagement (1996), Inter-American University of Puerto Rico

Fulbright Scholarship (Turkey, August 1993 – August 1994)

Professor of Linguistics, M.A. TEFL Program,  Bilkent  University, Turkey

Professional Activities

Inter-American University of   Puerto  Rico, August 1988 –May 1998)

Chair of Curriculum Development for the Acquisition of English as a Second language;

Coordinated the development of instructional materials for Basic and Intermediate TESOL courses at the university level;

Coordinated the development of assessment materials for Basic and Intermediate TESOL courses at the university level.

Professional Development in Puerto Rico

Supervised teaching performance of graduate students enrolled in the M.A. TESOL Program;

Gave colloquia to university students on a wide range of current social and political issues;

Offered orientation workshops to Puerto Rican professionals recruited to work in the New York City Public School System.

Conference Presentations (Discussant)
“The Role of Linguistics Research in Public Policy” 87th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Boston, Massachusetts, January 3-6, 2013.

Conference Presentations (competitively selected)
Clachar, A. “Rhetorical Negotiations of Relative Clauses in Metadiscourse” (Paper presented at the 23rd  TESOL Arabia International Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates March, 2017.

Conference Presentations (competitively selected)

Clachar, A. “Cognitive Development of Relative Clauses by Child Speakers of English Creoles” Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics and Association, Toronto, Canada, March, 2015.

Clachar, A. “Markedness and the Acquisition of Relative Clauses by Creole-Speaking Children” Paper presented at the Society of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics/89th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Portland, Oregon, January, 2015.

Clachar, A. “The Relationship between English-Lexified Creoles and the Acquisition of Lexico-Grammatical Register Features of Academic Discourse in the Digital Age” Paper presented at the Annual Conference  of the American Association  for Applied Linguistics, Chicago, Illinois, March, 2011.

Clachar, A.  “The Effect of Computer-Mediated Communication on the Acquisition of Written Academic Discourse by Creole-Speaking Children” Paper presented at the American Association for Corpus Linguistics, Utah, March, 2008.

Clachar, A.“Re-examining ESL Programs in Light of Children who Speak Nonstandard Dialects of English”. Paper presented at the Oxford University Round Table on Applied Linguistics, Oxford, England, March, 2006.

Clachar, A. “Creole Speakers’ Distribution of Verbal Morphology in Academic Registers”. Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Madison, Wisconsin, July, 2005.

Clachar, A. “The Pattern of Temporal Reference in Creole Speakers’ Written English”.  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 6-9, 2002.

Clachar, A.  “Speakers of English-based Creoles: Analyzing the Challenges”. Paper presented at the Florida State TESOL Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, May, 2001.

Clachar, A. “Creole and English: Characterizations of Awareness and Language Contrast”. Workshop presented at the Southeast Regional TESOL Conference, Miami, Florida, October, 2000.

Clachar, A. “Focus on Turkey:  Cross-Cultural Tensions in Writing Pedagogy”.  Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association  (AERA) Annual Meeting,  New Orleans,  April, 2000.

Clachar, A.  “Cultural Domination in Imported Western Pedagogy: A Discourse Analysis”. Paper presented at the Florida State TESOL Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida, May, 2000.

Clachar, A.  “Anthropology of Turkish Opposition to Western Writing”.  Paper presented at the Thirty-third Annual TESOL Convention, New York, New York, March, 1999.

Clachar, A. “Language and Identity at Issue: Minorities in Non-Minority Organizations”.  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Long Beach, California, March, 1995.      

 Clachar, A. “Linguistic Simplicity and Cognitive Simplicity: Cases of Incompatibility”. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on The Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Turkey, Izmir, Turkey, March,1994.

Clachar, A. “The Politics of Language: Two American Companies in Puerto Rico”.  Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, Georgia, April, 1993.

Conference Presentations (competitively selected)

Clachar, A. “Orientations of Control and the Pedagogy of Empowerment in the ESL Classroom”.  Workshop and Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Conference of Puerto Rico TESOL, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November,1991.

Clachar, A. “Dimensions of Locus of Control as Predictors of English Proficiency”.  Paper presented at the Twenty-fourth Annual Convention of the Association of British Columbia Teachers of English as an Additional Language, Vancouver, Canada, March, 1991.

Clachar, A. “Orientations of Causality and Their Role in ESL/Adult Education”.  Paper presented at the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the New York State Association for Bilingual Education, New York, March, 1991.

Clachar, A. “Speech Accommodations in ESL Classrooms: Some Sources of Contradiction”.  Workshop presented at the Seventeenth Annual Conference of Puerto Rico TESOL, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November, 1990.

Clachar, A. “Discourse Analysis, Listening Materials, and the Search for Compatibility”.  Workshop presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Chapter of Puerto Rico TESOL, San German, Puerto Rico, April, 1990.

Clachar, A. “Theories of Second Language Acquisition: Do They Help or Hinder Teachers?”  Workshop and Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Venezuela TESOL, Caracas, Venezuela, May, 1989.

Clachar, A. “Communication Strategies Explained by Cognitive Theory: Implications for ESL Pedagogy”.  Paper and workshop presented at the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Puerto Rico TESOL, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November, 1988.

Invited Speaker – Lectures/Workshops

“African-American  English and Literacy in Standard English”.  Workshop given to Teachers  in Miami-Dade School District, University of Miami, Coral Gables Campus, Florida,  November, 2013.

“The Role and Functions of Creoles as Structurally Defined Language Varieties in the Teaching/Learning Process”.  Lecture presented at the  Conference on Caribbean and African Creoles, York College,  City University of  New York (CUNY), May, 2008.

“Mesolectal Varieties in the Verb Phrase of Jamaican Creole and African American Vernacular English”. Workshop presented at The College of the Cayman Islands, June 2004.

“Speakers of Non-Standard Varieties of English: Exploration of Prestige, Identity, and Divergence in Written Academic Registers”.  Lecture  presented at The College of the Bahamas, June, 2003.

 “English  and Linguistic Imperialism in the Public Schools in Puerto Rico”.  Lecture presented at the  Annual  Meeting of the Clinical Teachers in Miami-Dade County Public Schools,  University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida,  February, 2001.

“The Force of Passive verbs, Gerunds and Causatives in the Texts of Labels on Over- the- Counter Drugs”.   Lecture presented to Bristol Myers-Squibb Pharmaceutical Company, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, January, 1998.

“Interaction of Clausal syntax, Style shifting, and Manipulation of Grammatical Agency in Turkish: Challenges for learners of English as a Foreign language”. Lecture, Boğaziçi  Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, April, 1994.

“Discourse Analysis and the Evaluation of Listening comprehension Materials: a Search for Compatibility”. Workshop,  Çukurova  Üniversitesi, Adana, Turkey, May, 1994.

Doctoral Dissertation Advising (University of Miami)

Chair Dissertation Committee – Thalassa Tonks
“Effects of Language Attitudes on Literacy in English  by Crucian-Creole Children in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands” (2017)

Dissertation Committee – Wendy Brooks
“Clause-structure Practices of African-American, Hispanic, and Haitian Community College Students” Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation (2010)

Dissertation Committee Member – Patrick Williams
“Exploring Teachers’ and Black Male Students’ perceptions of Intelligence”
Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation (2009)

Dissertation Committee   Member – Rita Menendez
“Cultural-Historical Activity Perspectives on the Effects of Participation in Teacher-Mediated and Computer-Mediated Instruction”
Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation (2009)

Dissertation Committee   Member – Benjamin Lester
“Reading Challenges of African-American Vernacular English Speaking Children”
Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation (2007)

Chair of Dissertation Committee – Anna Syrquin
“Register Preferences of African-American Students”
Unpublished Ph. D.  Dissertation (2004)

Dissertation Committee Member – Annis Shaver
“An Analysis of the Semantic Field of Pedagogical Materials for Immigrants: 1920-1950”Unpublished Ph. D. dissertation (2004)

Chair of Dissertation Committee – Frank Galloway
“The Effect of Ethnolinguistic Vitality on the Maintenance of Heritage languages in Three Bilingual Communities” (2003)

Master's Thesis Advising (University of Miami)

MA Thesis Committee Member – Natasha Dorsainvil
“Passing Down Haitian Creole: Building a Case for Mobile Language Learning for Second Generation Haitians”
Unpublished MA thesis (2013)

Chair of MA Thesis Committee – Aynur Baysal
“The Relationship between Introversion-Extroversion and the Composing Process”
Unpublished MA thesis (1994)

Master's Thesis Advising (Bilkent University, Turkey)

Chair of MA Thesis Committee – Gencer  Elkiliç
“An Analysis of the English Language Needs of Veterinary Medicine Students at Selçuk University” Unpublished MA thesis (1994)

Chair of MA Thesis Committee – Sabah Mistik
“The Effect of Peer Feedback on the Development of Turkish EFL Students’ Writing Proficiency” Unpublished MA thesis (1994)

Chair of MA Thesis Committee – Nergiz Türkkollu
“The Error Hierarchy of Turkish EFL Teachers in their Assessment of Compositions”
Unpublished MA thesis (1994)

Chair of MA Thesis Committee – Evrim  Üstünlüoğlu
“A Needs Assessment of the Students of the Department of Tourism Administration and Hotel Management at Balikesir University” Unpublished MA thesis (1994)

Chair of MA Thesis Committee – Dilek  Yağcioğlu
“An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Instrumental and Integrative
Motivation and the Socio-economic Background of Turkish EFL Students”
Unpublished MA thesis (1994)


University of Miami Committee and Administrative Responsibilities

School Council, School of Education and Human Development

(August 2000 – May 2005)

Faculty Senate (August 2003 -May 2005)

Chair, TESOL Endorsement Committee (August 1999 – May 2005)

Library and Information Resources Committee (August 2000- May 2003)

Member of Ad hoc Committee on Funded Projects (August 1999 – May 2001)

School of Education and Human Development Graduate Scholarship Committee

 (August 2007 to May 2009)

Graduate Curriculum Committee (May 2012 – May 2018)

University of Miami Research Council for The Provost’s Research Awards (August 2012 – May 2016)

Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Member of University of Miami/Flamingo Elementary School Advisory Committee (Professional Development) August 1999 – May 2002;

Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Professor in Residence at Flamingo Elementary School (Miami-Dade County Public School District) August 1999- May 2000;

Professional Development Workshops on Literacy Development and the Linguistic Structure of Nonstandard Varieties of English at Bel-Aire  Elementary School (Miami-Dade County Public School District) August 2001 – May 2003.

Inter-American University of Puerto Rico Committee and Administrative Responsibilities

Executive Board Member of the Western Chapter of Puerto Rico TESOL(September 1993 – May 1998)

Organized conferences that addressed issues such as language teaching methods, evaluation, and selection of commercial texts, interactive strategies for reading and writing.

Co-Founder of the Western Puerto Rico Linguistics Society (September1989-May 1998)

Responsibilities: The organization provides a forum for the exchange of research ideas among university faculty in the areas of second language acquisition, psycholinguistics, and sociolinguistics.

Professional Organizations

American Association of Applied Linguistics
TESOL International Association
Linguistic Society of America
The Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics
The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese

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